With winter coming to a close (Finally! This has been the longest winter ever!), I have had the last few months to really come to terms with the fact that I am a creature of habit, and that most days, my outfit looks like the one above (Excluding work days, in which my outfits are solely black on black... waitress life, am I right?)
This past season has been all about high waisted leggings, chunky, comfy sweaters, and blanket scarves. Pretty basic, eh? And by basic I don't mean easy, I mean basic b---h. Sue me :)
My fluffy winter body loves hiding behind the baggy sweaters, and the high waisted leggings really suck in all the extra squish around my midsection. Hallelujah!
I have a bit of an addiction to scarves of all sorts. My collection has me covered for any season, event, or outfit. This winter has been especially cold and wet and dreary (and disgusting), and blanket scarves have really been a saving grace, keeping me less cold and less cranky.
I do like to add a little spice to my outfits with bracelets and earrings, though. Typically pearls, and if not, always studs. The bulkiness of the sweaters I wear, mixed with the scarves, allow me to not have to worry about trying to decide which necklace to wear -- I have way too many necklaces to choose from! Do I smell an accessories declutter in the near future? Yes, it's necessary.
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